

Longing for Shadows

Exquisite Poison, a Phantom House Press Anthology

“She was already washed, already anointed with sweet-smelling oils, already wearing her finest gown. Concerning appearances, there was little difference between a wedding and a funeral.”

Dry Season

Metaphorosis Magazine, December 2021

“In the town of Sunrise Beach, Missouri, the children ride sleds down the parched shore. They dig in the sand for bones and beer tabs and lost jewelry.”

The Vision

The Arcanist

“Tonight, all the young women in the village that caught one of the fish will cook it and eat it. When they go to sleep, they’ll have the vision.”

The Wish

Luna Station Quarterly, Issue 042

“The man handed her a business card, printed on ivory cardstock and embellished with gold leaf. It read: 1 wish. No refunds or exchanges.”

Revoluta Maledicta

The Junction

“Cast a waning curse on your enemies with these step-by-step instructions from The Grimoire of the Maleficarum. Less than 10 ingredients and minimal prep time required!”